Monday 28 October 2013


It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Paula Yeung.  Paula was our first 'Cancer Crossing' interviewee.  Her powerful interview was a strong indication to us that we must continue to receive, and share, the messages of cancer patients and their caregivers.   Paula's message is featured on a piece from our soon to be launched fundraising campaign.  This campaign is to raise seed money to produce our first publication, which will be an e-book featuring 13-15 messages.  Net proceeds from e-book sales will start the fund which will assist cancer patients with expenses not covered by the healthcare system or other financial aid programs.

A photo is included in this post of the piece from our fundraising package but in case you cannot make the words out clearly, we have reprinted her message here below.

"As the curtain lowers for all of us, we all feel despair because of the uncertainty about its timing and the hereafter. As a Christian I know I will be resting in the arms of my Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven. I have that eternal hope and peace, which allow me to come to enjoy my new role as a cancer patient. Having stage four lung cancer, I have entered another phase of my life-journey where priorities need to be readjusted. I have since made friends with many cancer patients. It has not been an easy process, but I am thankful for the quiet time to reflect on the meaning of life, enjoying inner peace and serenity.

I could choose to have my performance end with a sad note, or with joy and peace. Joy is contagious; I wish my family and friends share my inner peace, seeing the completion of my life in triumph. I have received my 20th cycle of chemotherapy treatment in the last 23 months. My doctors have neither magic nor cure to offer. My tumour is still there. As long as God allows, I will joyfully continue my walk with my Redeemer; and lifting the discouraged. I will listen to the pace of my body: eat and rest appropriately with moderate exercise. The best medication is a joyful and thankful heart.

Life is fragile, but it is precious."

Rest in peace dearest Paula.


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