Monday, 28 January 2013

Shaking off the impact

We continue to interview cancer patients/survivors/caregivers. We want to understand how cancer has shifted their perspective on life and what they are learning/have learned from the experience. It is amazing how different the stories are.

It makes sense given how different each person is - we all come from different social, cultural and religious backgrounds. Each persons life experiences combine to create a certain character, that evolves as ones life unfolds. When cancer strikes, it's like a wall has risen up from the ground and we hit it full on and fall back, then try to shake off the impact.

You can't imagine you can deal with this yet you do. Not only do you deal with it but your persona, your character, your 'vibe' are forever changed. Cancer Crossing recounts these stories of change. Net proceeds from book sales will go to cancer patient support services.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Our Founder

You may have wondered how the 'Cancer Crossing' project came to be. We would like to introduce our Project Initiator, Dr. Tse Li Luk. Dr. Luk is a family physician in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

The inspiration for the project originated in 2006 with Dr. Luk's second stroke. He required resuscitation, lost his sight, lost movement of his right side and his speech.

'I was fortunate because I have since gained back 95% of my faculties. The stroke forced me to examine the purpose of my life and who I am. As the Greek philosopher Thales, said, "Know thyself". The project is not a book solely on cancer. The purpose is for us to review the meaning of life through the eyes of cancer patients and caregivers. Their words offer us hope, and in a moment of self-reflection, allow us to examine their thoughts that perhaps will teach us to motivate, and to seek a path which will leave a lasting legacy'.


We asked Alison, 'How did you feel after being told of the cancer'?

She replied: "I was numb. I could not believe it; did not know what to do. I was scared. It was one of those things where you just have to put one foot in front of another and do what has to be done. I could have chosen to put my head under the pillow and give in, as I was exhausted. But I chose to live".

Thank you for your inspiring words Alison!


"When I woke up after surgery, I saw the ID bracelet with the name of the surgeon, Dr. Cho.P. What better person to have operated on me than Dr. CHOP" Stuart said.


Haroon Khan is a member of our Cancer Crossing family. He lives in Sydney, Australia. His thyroid cancer was diagnosed 2 years ago. He is self confident, and kind.  We think his greatest joy is to "bug" his darling wife. Go Haroon GO!

Pih Ha

This is Pih Ha from Brunei Darussalam. She has recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and had her surgery late in 2012. She spends most of her free time at the Pan Am pool watching her daughter, who is a competitive swimmer.


In the book, Cancer Crossing, we hear from Rene.

"I used to have a good job, but cancer has robbed me financially".


Welcome everyone! Project title 'Cancer Crossing' references that moment in time when your life's path is crossed by cancer, either by a diagnosis of yourself or someone you know.
At that moment, you undergo a HUGE perspective shift. A perspective shift that remains with you forever - much like a camera lens that is narrowly focused, opens to reveal what has been hidden.