Thursday, 13 June 2019


Cancer Crossing has been the beneficiary of a ‘Cost and Cause’ Fundraiser!  In case you are not familiar with these events, here is the scenario:

Lindsey Marie is a Winnipeg breast cancer patient.  She is a young woman with two young children.  Her friends and family got together and put on a ‘Cost and Cause’ Fundraiser on Saturday, May 11th at a local community centre. 
The proceeds from the event are to go to the extra expenses Lindsey is facing due to her cancer treatment.  That is the ‘Cost’ part. 
Lindsey then decided that a portion of the proceeds raised would go to a ‘Cause’ and in her case, she chose Cancer Crossing as the cause to support. 

See photo from the event with Dr. Tse Li Luk (our Founder), Lindsey and her beautiful children, and one of our Outreach Volunteers, Kristine.  Lindsey is such a kind and caring young woman who sees beyond herself with concern regarding the community at large.  We cannot thank her enough for thinking of us as her 'Cause'.

If you know anyone with cancer who is struggling financially, please have them contact Cancer Crossing and we’ll see what we can do to help.  You might also think of putting on one of these events for your friend/family member.  Not only will it help them financially but you know the phrase, ‘it takes a Village to raise a child’, the same can be said for cancer patients.  The more friends and family who pitch in and offer support (in any way really) provide a circle of care (a Village if you will)  around the person – at a time when it is needed the most. 

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