Monday, 14 January 2013

Our Founder

You may have wondered how the 'Cancer Crossing' project came to be. We would like to introduce our Project Initiator, Dr. Tse Li Luk. Dr. Luk is a family physician in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

The inspiration for the project originated in 2006 with Dr. Luk's second stroke. He required resuscitation, lost his sight, lost movement of his right side and his speech.

'I was fortunate because I have since gained back 95% of my faculties. The stroke forced me to examine the purpose of my life and who I am. As the Greek philosopher Thales, said, "Know thyself". The project is not a book solely on cancer. The purpose is for us to review the meaning of life through the eyes of cancer patients and caregivers. Their words offer us hope, and in a moment of self-reflection, allow us to examine their thoughts that perhaps will teach us to motivate, and to seek a path which will leave a lasting legacy'.

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