Tuesday 19 February 2013


Meet William, a cancer survivor of many years.  William has embraced the concept of living in the moment.

"I am coming to terms knowing that the clock is ticking, knowing that we have lived most of our lives" (speaking of he and his wife). 
"It is later than we think you know.  That is a pretty good perspective on life.  The importance of this moment - like we don't have the past; we don't have yesterday; and we can't change it, not a thing.  The past is the past, okay.  We don't even know if we are going to have a tomorrow - whether we have a future.  That is kind of a nebulous thing.  But, what we do have is right now.  This moment.  So, when you are together celebrating the birthday of your grandchild or whatever, you try to make it a pretty big moment.  I mean, it is not that you are consciously thinking that time is passing and I am never going to have it again.  That is just how it is, but the important thing is that you sort out what is important now and what isn't important.  You begin to live much more positively, I think"

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